

The conservation philosophy of ABC is to bring historic buildings back to life, so that they can be enjoyed for current and future generations in a sustainable environment. The aim is to conserve as much of the original significant fabric as possible, whilst modifying the use and layout to suit a new purpose.

The project shown below illustrates the philosophy in the reuse of a building.

Working with the client, sketch designs were produced, and discussions with approval authorities took place in order to decide upon a way forward.

New technology was introduced in a sympathetic manner to develop the building’s thermal performance and maintenance longevity, whilst retaining its historic story. The project was just over three months in site duration, and the final costs on completion fell within the contract sum. The photographs outline the project at the start, during and on completion.


Andrew’s Building Conservation Ltd

Old Gwilliam, Lyth Hill Road, Bayston Hill, Shropshire SY3 0AU

 RICS profile: 

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T: 03451161381
M: 07703811381