Frequent Questions
Looking to purchase a property? What things should I consider?
A standard building survey may not pick up hidden defects, and in many cases may recommend a specialist investigation for certain elements. ABC has the knowledge and skill to provide a thorough overview of
In starting a project, how can I make sure that it does not go over budget?
Contracts will contain certain variable sums to allow for modifications or unknown elements of the work. These sums are referred to as provisional or contingency sums, and are only spent on authorization of the contract administrator. The sums allow work to progress without constant approval from the client, which may cause project delays if approval takes time. ABC will work within agreed contract sums, and advise the client at an early stage if there are any difficulties of changes. ABC recognizes the constraints of clients budgets, and aims to bring in projects below approved budget values.
What is your geographical coverage?
Generally ABC is a Midlands based company, and economics place the range of work within two hours or 100miles of Shrewsbury. Greater times or distances can be undertaken, but in negotiation with you to achieve the most cost effective solution.
What protection have I got if things start going wrong?
Clients are protected from any professional negligence on the part of ABC by Professional insurance up to a claim of £1million. Claims regarding the professional service of ABC are independently assessed by the RICS as the professional body, which covers Chartered Surveyors. A copy of the ABC complaints procedure will be available on request.
A project needs Building Regulations and planning permission, how can I obtain these?
Some alterations or extensions to properties involve gaining necessary statutory permissions. ABC will assist in this process, and co-ordinate the receipt of necessary reports and investigations to allow the proposed work to proceed.
There is a maintenance problem on the building. Repairs have been attempted before, but the problem keeps reoccurring. How can a long-term solution be found?
ABC will undertake investigations into the problem, and will undertake this independently, to produce an unbiased view on how the problem can be resolved. A small investment in this research stage, could save considerable cost in unnecessary or
Andrew’s Building Conservation Ltd
Old Gwilliam, Lyth Hill Road, Bayston Hill, Shropshire SY3 0AU
RICS profile: https://www.rics.org/uk/member-detail-page/0849040
LinkedIN profile: http://uk.linkedin.com/pub/andrew-shenton/38/26/762
T: 03451161381
M: 07703811381