Roof coverings assessment – Selly Manor
Roof coverings assessment – Selly Manor
The property comprises a grade II* listed timber framed two and three
The client expressed concern that sections of the roof surfaces contained tiles that had become dislodged, loose tiles to verges, and delamination of clay tiles to some areas. Debris could therefore
ABC undertook a review of all the roof surfaces to form a report to inform the management board on the remedial works required. Key areas were identified, and budgets proposed, to undertake selected maintenance rather than major re-roofing works.
Conservation officials assessed repair proposals, with handmade double cambered roof tile samples assessed for their suitability. The conservation aim of ABC is to undertake the necessary maintenance works so that they blend in with the existing fabric appearance.

Andrew’s Building Conservation Ltd
Old Gwilliam, Lyth Hill Road, Bayston Hill, Shropshire SY3 0AU
RICS profile: http://www.rics.org/uk/find-a-member/member-profile/0849040
LinkedIN profile: http://uk.linkedin.com/pub/andrew-shenton/38/26/762
T: 03451161381
M: 07703811381